Daisy Chain
Daisy Chain was the stage for Mosswood Meltdown, a music festival hosted by John Waters at Mosswood Park in Oakland, California. The name refers to a wiring scheme used by stage technicians that recalls a garland of daisy flowers. The stage design is made up of 20 colorful pinwheels, reinforced by a PVC frame. The colors & patterns of the stage are dynamic, changing as the pinwheels spin.
There were 3 limitations for the stage: No scaffolding, excessive wind, and a small budget. We decided to embrace these limitations, brainstorming around structures that worked with the wind, were cheap to build and incorporated a scaffolding system that was supportive as well as aesthetically cohesive. We found pinwheels addressed all of the design constraints.
To make the stage design more dynamic, we took inspiration from Optical art, creating illusions by playing with patterns as well as colors in the foreground & background of the structure.
The structural system was designed by Adam Miller. I developed the overall look of the stage with Spenser Atlas, focusing on patterns and the color scheme. To construct the twenty pinwheels, we created a four-person assembly-line system comprised of cutting, taping, assembling, and testing each piece. The final structure was installed and reinforced by a crew of about a dozen volunteers.
2019 - Designed by Adam Miller, Spenser Atlas & Lieyah Dagan. Photographed by Lieyah Dagan
Press: SF Gate, CBS SF / Bay Area, Video Coverage